Henvey Inlet First Nation Dodems
Henvey Inlet First Nation Dodems

Land Laws

henvey inlet first nation land laws

Below is the list of Land Laws passed in our community.


    COMMUNITY APPROVAL VOTE RESULTS - Cannabis Land Law I, Scott Jacobs, was present at the Henvey Inlet First Nation Fire Hall on the 24th day of October, 2021 when the members of Henvey Inlet First Nation voted on the "Henvey Inlet Cannabis Land Law 2021". The polling station was opened at 10:00 am and remained open until 5:00 pm of that day. The...

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    Proposed Land Law: HENVEY INLET FIRST NATION CANNABIS LAND LAW 2021  BACKGROUND Council has caused a proposed land law to be prepared which will regulate the possession, use, cultivation and sale of cannabis within Henvey Inlet First Nation Lands and which will require every seller of recreational cannabis within Henvey Inlet First Nation's...

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  • Moratorium On Commercial Cannabis Operations Within Reserves 2 And 13

    HENVEY INLET FIRST NATION BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moratorium On Commercial Cannabis Operations Within Reserves 2 And 13 - Thursday 12 August 2021 BACKGROUND Canada and Ontario have passed laws permitting, in limited circumstances, commercial cannabis operations, including operations relating to the cultivation, production, processing, packaging,...

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  • Environmental Land Laws and BCR’S

    Environmental Land Laws and BCR’S Please click links Below for Land Laws and BCR’S: 2015/16-008 Environmental Stewardship Regime – Nishshing Aki Map LL 2015-16-008 HIFN ESR – Nishshing Aki Map 2015/16-009 Environmental Stewardship Regime – EA and Permitting LL 2015-16-009 HIFN ESR – EA and Permitting 2015/16-010 Environmental Stewardship Regime –...

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  • For Bekanon Lease Mgmt Corp

    For Bekanon Lease Mgmt Corp Organizational Structure For Bekanon Lease Management Corporation Only This Partnership is limited to managing leases on behalf of the Band. Leasing Income is drawn into Band Revenues Henvey Inlet First Nation is the Limited Partner and the Bekanon Lease Management Corporation is the General Partner Liabilities of this...

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  • Henvey Organizational Structure

    Henvey Organizational Structure Shown on the left existing Band Services are unchanged. Shown on the right, economic development activities are separate from leasing, shown in the middle. Chief and Council elect or appoint qualified directors to each new corporation. Chief and Council are shareholders in the Bekanon Lease Management Corporation. Henvey...

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  • Notice of Enacted Land Laws

    Notice of Enacted Land Laws Henvey Inlet First Nation Band Council Date of open meeting of Band Council: Monday, 23 October 2017 Meeting Location: Fire Hall Library, French River Reserve No. 13 LAND LAW ENACTING RESOLUTION, DRAFT LAND LAW 2017118-001: AMENDMENT AND REVISION OF LAND LAWS AND OTHER...

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  • September 2017 New Land Laws

    September 2017 New Land Laws NOTICE OF DRAFT LAND LAWS #1NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING OF COUNCILOn 05 September 2017, Council tabled two new draft Land Laws for enactment: Draft Land Law 2017-18-001Amendment and Revision of Land Laws and Other Instruments Draft Land Law 2017-18-002The Henvey Inlet First Nation Land Laws Register. An open meeting of...

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  • Land Claim Ratification Vote - PASSED

    Land Claim Ratification Vote - PASSED Ratification Vote on the proposed James Bay Specific Claim Settlement Agreement and Absolute Surrender and on the proposed Henvey Inlet First Nation Key Harbour Settlement Trust relating to the Henvey Inlet James Bay Railway Claim - Passed. The Ratification Vote was held September 25th, 2016. 348 votes were...

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  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents Referendum Vote:  August 25, 2005 Introduction Both Indian Affairs and the Band are involved in conducting the Referendum ProcessOutlines the obligations of INAC and the Band in this process. Differing Opinions What is a Referendum?Explains the overall purpose of a Referendum. Proposed Land DesignationThis section outlines the...

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  • Environmental Land Laws and BCR'S

    Environmental Land Laws and BCR'S Please click links above for Land Laws and BCR'S: 2015/16-008 Environmental Stewardship Regime – Nishshing Aki MapLL 2015-16-008 HIFN ESR - Nishshing Aki Map  2015/16-009 Environmental Stewardship Regime – EA and PermittingLL 2015-16-009 HIFN ESR - EA and Permitting 2015/16-010 Environmental Stewardship Regime –...

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  • AECOM Draft EA Report and HIFN’s 3rd Party Review

    AECOM Draft EA Report and HIFN’s 3rd Party Review Council passed a Land Law in August directing Henvey Inlet Wind to do a comprehensive environmental assessment of the impacts of the proposed wind farm on Reserve No. 2. The assessment work was done by AECOM over the course of this year, and the draft environmental assessment report was delivered to...

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  • Membership approves Land Law in relation to wind project

    Membership approves Land Law in relation to wind project A Community Approval Vote was held August 09th, 2015 at the Henvey Inlet First Nation Fire Hall on Pickerel River Road. Electoral Officer Scott Jacobs reported there were 206 Yes votes to 24 No votes. The Official Notice will posted as soon as possible. The vote was held to approve: LAND...

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  • Community Approval Vote

    Community Approval Vote Community Approval Vote will be held in accordance with the HIFN Land Code TO: MEMBERS OF HENVEY INLET FIRST NATION TAKE NOTICE that a Community Approval Vote will be held in accordance with the Henvey Inlet First Nation Land Code on: Sunday, August 9, 2015 in order to determine if Eligible Voters approve the following: Are you...

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  • Notice of Land Law

    Notice of Land Law NOTICE The Henvey Inlet Wind Energy Generation Centre is in the final planning stages. To proceed to the construction phase, the Energy Centre requires two forms of authorization from Henvey Inlet First Nation. Notice of community approval vote. Community Approval Vote on the Lease The proposed lease of Reserve No. 2 land for...

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    PREAMBLE Whereas Henvey Inlet First Nation has a profound relationship with the land; Whereas Henvey Inlet First Nation has entered into the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management with Canada on ___________, as amended and which was ratified on behalf of the Government of Canada by the First Nations Land Management Act; And Whereas...

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  • Appendix C – Commercial Lease

    Appendix C – Commercial Lease Sample Commercial Lease PDF Proposed Uses Shown in Schedule “D” of the Commercial Lease: Youth Camp Conference Centre with Accommodation Cultural Centre Education Centre Cottages and Cottage Lots for Lease Marina Multipurpose Arena Small Business and Professional Offices Commercial/Retail Stores Golf Course Roads,...

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  • Appendix B – Organizational Structure

    Appendix B – Organizational Structure CLICK HERE for the PDF Organizational Structure for the Band

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  • Appendix A – Map of Property

    Appendix A – Map of Property CLICK HERE for map of Subject Property

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  • Legal Description

    Legal Description Henvey Inlet Reserve #2Blocks 1 & 3Plan T 781 C.L.S.R.R.S.O. 6664R Block #2 registered under this reference comprising approximately 3,980 Hectares on the north side of Henvey Inlet is not being considered for designation purposes. It will remain as General Reserve Lands.

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  • Referendum Vote: August 25, 2005

    Referendum Vote: August 25, 2005 August 25, 2005 Referendum Vote Results:   A Land Designation Referendum was launched on June 30, 2005 to seek permission from the community to set aside lands for commercial development and establish the terms and conditions for all future leasing at one time. The official posting by Indian and Northern Affairs...

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  • c) Links to First Nation Leasing

    c) Links to First Nation Leasing Leasing First Nation Lands for Economic Development Here are a few First Nations who have chosen to set aside some of their Reserve Lands to generate income: Saugeen First Nation Lands Management Departmenthttp://www.saugeenlandmgt.com Curve Lake First Nation – Beausoleil Subdivision...

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  • b) Land Designation Referendum - Information Package

    b) Land Designation Referendum - Information Package Land Designation Referendum Information Package Announcement Date: First Referendum - June 30, 2005 Second Referendum - October 13, 2005 Second Referendum - January 19, 2006 Vote Date: First Referendum Vote: August 25, 2005 Second Referendum - First Vote: November 24, 2005 Second Referendum -...

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  • a) Referendum Results

    a) Referendum Results Indian and Northern Affairs posted the second vote notice for the Land Designation Referendum on January 19, 2006.   The final vote was held on February 23 rd  at the Community Fire Hall on Pickerel River Road. Here are the results: February 23rd, 20062nd Referendum, Final Vote   YES  113  NO   83 199 votes cast, with 3 spoiled...

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  • Conclusion

    Conclusion Both some of the positive and negative elements of the development plans have been presented here.   The opportunity for more jobs for Band Members and additional revenues for the Band to expand programs represents the key reasons for development. Negative aspects have been explored in this document as well to fully disclose some of the risks...

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  • What is the Worst Case Scenario

    What is the Worst Case Scenario  If no new activities are launched on the property the hope for new jobs and expanded opportunities would vanish. However, this may not be the worst case scenario. A worst case scenario could occur if the community launched a few major activities that failed. If a large project failed then financial losses could also...

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  • Why are Multiple Corporations Necessary

    Why are Multiple Corporations Necessary? Much debate has occurred about possible problems in the future due to unforeseen circumstances. The main purpose of creating a corporation is to protect the owners from liability, in this case Henvey Inlet First Nation and its Membership.  The main benefit to creating two corporations is to further limit the...

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  • Bekanon Lease Management Corporation LTD

    Bekanon Lease Management Corporation LTD This corporation's main activity is to engage in a Partnership with Henvey Inlet First Nation to manage the leased lands. As a General Partner, it will hold title to the Head Lease with Henvey Inlet First Nation under a partnership called Bekanon Limited Partnership, for the entire tract of land and...

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  • Bekanon Limited Partnership

    Bekanon Limited Partnership The relationship between Henvey Inlet First Nation and Bekanon Lease Management Corporation is defined in a Partnership Agreement. The Partnership shall lease the entire lands from the Crown. This allows the sub-leasing of parcels of the land to third parties and management of those subleases only. This Partnership...

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  • Bekanon Corporation for Community Development

    Bekanon Corporation for Community Development  Two new corporations are set up to manage projects and leases. The first is a not-for-profit corporation to manage economic development activities on behalf of Henvey Inlet Band. It will have a Board of Directors separate from but accountable to Chief and Council and the Band Membership. Full...

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  • Environmental Damage Protected by a Restoration Fund

    Environmental Damage Protected by a Restoration Fund Any tenant on the leased lands can accidentally cause environmental damage. In all cases, the tenant is held responsible for any and all environmental damage they cause whether by accident or intentionally. They can protect themselves through an insurance policy but if they are unable or refuse to...

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  • Environmental Assessment Results

    Environmental Assessment Results In this section we will discuss the status of current developmental plans plus comment on how new development ideas will be considered. An Environmental Assessment is necessary to identify potential harmful environmental effects that any development activity can have on the property, before they occur.  Any future...

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  • Property Leasing and Rental Rates

    Property Leasing and Rental Rates If the vote to supporting development is “Yes” the Crown enters into a 99 year lease with the Bekanon Limited Partnership over the entire lands for $10 per year. The Partnership will in turn enter into leases with tenants. The tenant rental and leasing rates for these leases will be subject to Fair Market Value...

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  • Narrative Description

    Narrative Description Starting from the north east corner of the property, about 2 Kilometers south of Key River Marina on Hwy 69, the northern property boundary runs westward to Georgian Bay along the south side of Henvey Inlet, a distance of approximately 6 miles (10 Km).   From here proceeding southward or slightly south east, the property...

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  • Band Authority to Revoke or Amend

    Band Authority to Revoke or Amend Band Authority to Revoke or Amend this Designation in the Future Normally, once Band Lands are set aside in a “designation” any change requires another vote. Two new clauses allow the Band to revoke or amend this designation in the future if required without having to conduct another referendum: To Revoke Subject...

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  • Property Description

    Property Description The property known as Henvey Inlet Reserve #2 is located on the south side of Key River, west of Highway 69. The portion being considered for designation is comprised of approximately 4,109 Hectares (see Appendix “A”).   For reference here are the measurements in various formats:    Original ProposalVote Held August 25th Revised...

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  • Specific vs General Designation

    Specific vs General Designation There are two types of designations for setting lands aside and each contains different problems and risks. The two types are a “specific” or a “general” designation. A “specific” designation requires a detailed plan for one project at a time. A vote is then held to seek approval to set aside land for this one...

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  • Differing Opinions

    Differing Opinions Please be aware that the opinions offered from each agent will cover different topics, and this is intentional. For example, it is the Band's Lawyers' obligation to provide an opinion on legal issues, not to discuss whether this project or future projects are a good idea or not. It is the obligation of the Referendum...

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  • Introduction

    Introduction Document Purpose The purpose of this Information Package is to provide factual information about the proposed “designation” of Band Lands for the purpose of leasing. Each section of this document is presented to fulfil legal requirements for conducting a community vote on whether or not to set lands aside for future development. Informed...

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  • Land Designation and Leasing

    Land Designation and Leasing Instructions on accessing the Land Designation documents: The Land Designation Referendum was finalized on February 23, 2006. This referendum sought Membership approval to set aside the lands (Legal Description) described in the information package for the projects listed below and in the Appendix of the Referendum...

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  • Additional Risks and Concerns

    Additional Risks and Concerns New Corporations The down side to establishing a separate corporation to hold the Head Lease to Band Lands for management purposes is the possibility that future differences can develop between Chief and Council and the Development Corporation and Leasing Corporation's Board of Directors. Some may feel that the...

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  • Additional Information

    Additional Information In addition to this information package one (1) information session will be held during the 42 day process. It is scheduled for 7:00 PM at the following location: November 3rd - Henvey Inlet First Nation - Henvey Inlet Community Fire Hall Chief and Council representatives and the following individuals or their...

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  • Final Land Code

    Final Land Code The Final Land Code is ready for review! It has been sent to all Band Members of voting age for review in preparation for the final vote. Community consultation meetings are scheduled for: Sudbury – October 21 Toronto – October 24th  Location:  The Courtyard by Marriott – 475 Yonge StreetTime:  2:00 PMDinner Buffet:  5:00 PM Henvey...

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  • Community Ratification Process

    Community Ratification Process The draft Henvey Inlet First Nation Community Ratification Process document has been downloaded onto this website, so for the first time band members can see what this document is about. The Community Ratification Process (CRP) describes how the community will be approached with regard to voting on the Land Code and...

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  • Draft Land Code

    Draft Land Code The button bar on the right contains all of the current draft sections at an early stage of development.  Keep in mind that this is a rough draft still. Please forgive the formatting. The final copy will look much better. As we complete each section updates will also be posted here. To make comments or ask questions, please use our ...

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  • Land Code

    Land Code A community based committee was established in the fall of 2006 with the main duty of developing a draft land code that will form the foundation for the future land law making process. Starting with a sample land code the Land Code Committee conducts the long and tedious process of examining each clause, one line at a time, to interpret...

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  • Land Management Links

    Land Management Links Click Here to view the actual First Nations Land Management Act on the Department of Justice web site: http://lois.justice.gc.ca/en/F-11.8/60534.html  broken link The Lands Advisory Board assists First Nations in entering this process:  This site contains the list of First Nations who joined this process and those that are in...

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  • Appeals - Land Law Code

    Appeals For instructions on how to file an objection or appeal on the Land Code, CLICK HERE. Please note: The right to appeal expired 5 days after the official vote on December 7, 2009. No appeals were...

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  • Additional Information Requests

    Additional Information Requests Due to the high volume of information, especially legal documents, the following additional information can be requested: Environmental Assessment Land Survey Maps Incorporation Papers, Bekanon Corporation for Community Development Incorporation Papers, Bekanon Lease Management Corporation LTD. Bekanon Limited...

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Money Management Workshop With BMO

Henvey Inlet First Nation logo


Tuesday July 30 at 6:00pm

O&M Building

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O.P.P. Workshop August 1, 2024

Henvey Inlet First Nation logo

O.P.P. Workshop

How to avoid Fraud / Scams / Solicitors & Drugs / Alcohol Problem

Thursday, August 1, at 6:00 pm

0&M Building

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Notice To Members July 18 2024

Henvey Inlet First Nation Logo Mobile

Notice To Members July 18, 2024

There is a new document in the Member's Portal section of the website, Robinson Huron Treaty Annuities Settlement UPDATE FAQ.

You can log in to the Member's Portal through the website menu or by Clicking Here and providing the required information.

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Home Maintenance Worker- Short Term

Home Maintenance Worker- Short Term

Henvey Inlet First Nation is currently seeking a temporary, full-time Home Maintenance Worker to join our Administration for a 6-month contract. The Home Maintenance Worker reports to the Community Health Nurse and is responsible for providing primarily exterior home maintenance and minor home repairs for eligible clients in the Community. This position requires excellent customer service and interpersonal communication skills and a strong work ethic.

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New Information For Band Members Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty

Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund Logo

New Information For Band Members: Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty

Attention members,

There is new information available today regarding the Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty.

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The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page Has Been Updated

Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Settlement PDF Banner

The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page Has Been Updated

Please Follow This Link to the The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page which has been updated on July 13, 2024.

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Home Support Worker- Short Term

Home Support Worker- Short Term

Henvey Inlet First Nation is currently seeking a temporary, full-time Home Support Worker to join our Administration for a six-week contract with possibility of extension. The Home Support Worker reports to the Community Health Nurse and is responsible for providing in-home housekeeping and personal care support for eligible clients in the Community. This position requires high-level of personal integrity and professionalism.

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July 2024

July 2024 Newsletter

Here's your copy of July's newsletter: July 2024


  • Offices Closed Monday July 1
  • Day Care Newsletter
  • Diabetic Foot Care- July 3
  • Job Postings
  • Band Rep Schedule
  • Ask The Nurse w. Debbie Brennan - Every Thursday
  • Back 2 School Event announcement
  • CanFitPro Gym Sessions
  • Internet Safety/Sexulized Behaviour Workshop- July 9
  • Adult Paint Day- July 17
  • Diabetic Bingo- July 18
  • Canadian Fire Arms Safety Course- July 19- 21
  • Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinic- July 23
  • NEW PROGRAM- Non Thermal Laser Therapy- July 11, 18, 25
  • Catering Posting
  • HIV/AIDS Presentation- July 22
  • HIV/AIDS Workshop for Youth- July 10

and more!

Please download and read the newsletter for more information.

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Elementary School Bus Driver

Elementary School Bus Driver

Henvey Inlet First Nation is seeking a Elementary School Bus Driver to join our Administration for a temporary, 10-month contract for the 2024-25 school year. The Elementary School Bus Driver reports to the Education Counsellor and is responsible for transporting students of various ages to and from their homes and respective schools in a timely and safe manner and in accordance with MTO driving regulations, Ontario traffic laws and safe driving practices. This position requires excellent organization, communication and customer service skills.

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Henvey Inlet First Nation General Members Meeting June 10 2024 6pm

Henvey Inlet First Nation General Members Meeting June 10 2024 6PM


General Members Meeting

June 10 2024 6PM

Attend in-person, by computer or by telephone

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2024 Annual Trust Membership Meeting Notice

Henvey Inlet First Nation Legacy Trust

2024 Annual Trust Membership Meeting

WHERE: O&M Building, Henvey Inlet First Nation

WHEN: Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

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June 2024

June 2024 Newsletter

Here's your copy of June's newsletter: June 2024


  • Offices Closed Thursday June 6
  • Day Care June Newsletter
  • Band Council Meeting- June 10
  • Diabetic Foot Care- June 5
  • Job Posting
  • Ask The Nurse w. Debbie Brennan - Every Thursday
  • Ontario Works- June 13
  • Traditional Parenting- June 4 & 5
  • Father's Day event- June 11
  • Summer Bingo- June 18
  • Diabetic Bingo- June 24
  • Canadian Fire Arms Safety Course- July 19- 21
  • Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinic- June 25
  • Men's Circle- June 11 & 25

and more!

Please download and read the newsletter for more information.

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Money Management Workshop With BMO

Henvey Inlet First Nation logo


Tuesday July 30 at 6:00pm

O&M Building

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O.P.P. Workshop August 1, 2024

Henvey Inlet First Nation logo

O.P.P. Workshop

How to avoid Fraud / Scams / Solicitors & Drugs / Alcohol Problem

Thursday, August 1, at 6:00 pm

0&M Building

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Notice To Members July 18 2024

Henvey Inlet First Nation Logo Mobile

Notice To Members July 18, 2024

There is a new document in the Member's Portal section of the website, Robinson Huron Treaty Annuities Settlement UPDATE FAQ.

You can log in to the Member's Portal through the website menu or by Clicking Here and providing the required information.

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Home Maintenance Worker- Short Term

Home Maintenance Worker- Short Term

Henvey Inlet First Nation is currently seeking a temporary, full-time Home Maintenance Worker to join our Administration for a 6-month contract. The Home Maintenance Worker reports to the Community Health Nurse and is responsible for providing primarily exterior home maintenance and minor home repairs for eligible clients in the Community. This position requires excellent customer service and interpersonal communication skills and a strong work ethic.

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New Information For Band Members Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty

Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund Logo

New Information For Band Members: Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty

Attention members,

There is new information available today regarding the Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty.

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The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page Has Been Updated

Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Settlement PDF Banner

The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page Has Been Updated

Please Follow This Link to the The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page which has been updated on July 13, 2024.

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Home Support Worker- Short Term

Home Support Worker- Short Term

Henvey Inlet First Nation is currently seeking a temporary, full-time Home Support Worker to join our Administration for a six-week contract with possibility of extension. The Home Support Worker reports to the Community Health Nurse and is responsible for providing in-home housekeeping and personal care support for eligible clients in the Community. This position requires high-level of personal integrity and professionalism.

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July 2024

July 2024 Newsletter

Here's your copy of July's newsletter: July 2024


  • Offices Closed Monday July 1
  • Day Care Newsletter
  • Diabetic Foot Care- July 3
  • Job Postings
  • Band Rep Schedule
  • Ask The Nurse w. Debbie Brennan - Every Thursday
  • Back 2 School Event announcement
  • CanFitPro Gym Sessions
  • Internet Safety/Sexulized Behaviour Workshop- July 9
  • Adult Paint Day- July 17
  • Diabetic Bingo- July 18
  • Canadian Fire Arms Safety Course- July 19- 21
  • Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinic- July 23
  • NEW PROGRAM- Non Thermal Laser Therapy- July 11, 18, 25
  • Catering Posting
  • HIV/AIDS Presentation- July 22
  • HIV/AIDS Workshop for Youth- July 10

and more!

Please download and read the newsletter for more information.

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Elementary School Bus Driver

Elementary School Bus Driver

Henvey Inlet First Nation is seeking a Elementary School Bus Driver to join our Administration for a temporary, 10-month contract for the 2024-25 school year. The Elementary School Bus Driver reports to the Education Counsellor and is responsible for transporting students of various ages to and from their homes and respective schools in a timely and safe manner and in accordance with MTO driving regulations, Ontario traffic laws and safe driving practices. This position requires excellent organization, communication and customer service skills.

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Henvey Inlet First Nation General Members Meeting June 10 2024 6pm

Henvey Inlet First Nation General Members Meeting June 10 2024 6PM


General Members Meeting

June 10 2024 6PM

Attend in-person, by computer or by telephone

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2024 Annual Trust Membership Meeting Notice

Henvey Inlet First Nation Legacy Trust

2024 Annual Trust Membership Meeting

WHERE: O&M Building, Henvey Inlet First Nation

WHEN: Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

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June 2024

June 2024 Newsletter

Here's your copy of June's newsletter: June 2024


  • Offices Closed Thursday June 6
  • Day Care June Newsletter
  • Band Council Meeting- June 10
  • Diabetic Foot Care- June 5
  • Job Posting
  • Ask The Nurse w. Debbie Brennan - Every Thursday
  • Ontario Works- June 13
  • Traditional Parenting- June 4 & 5
  • Father's Day event- June 11
  • Summer Bingo- June 18
  • Diabetic Bingo- June 24
  • Canadian Fire Arms Safety Course- July 19- 21
  • Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinic- June 25
  • Men's Circle- June 11 & 25

and more!

Please download and read the newsletter for more information.

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  • (705)857-2331
  • Mon to Thurs - 8:30AM – 4:30PM
    Friday - 8:30AM to Noon