Henvey Inlet First Nation Housing
Those interested in obtaining Housing in the community are encouraged to make an application to the Housing Committee, chaired by Louise Ashawasegai, who in turn makes recommendations to the Chief and Council upon the availability of Band Owned Housing.
The Housing Advisory Committee members are as follows:
- Louise Ashawasegai – Chairman
- Kim McQuabbie – HAC member
- Grace Contin – HAC Member
- Dannielle Shukster – HAC Member
- Alfreda McQuabbie – HAC Member
- Lionel Fox – Councillor
If a member would like to contact the Housing Advisory Committee, they can do so by addressing their concerns/questions to the Housing Department, which will then be added to the next HAC agenda for discussion.
Contact Shane Contin - Housing /Finance Assistant, at 705-857-2331 ext 223 or by
The HAC currently has 2 vacant positions. Interested members shall submit their name to the Director of Administration/Finance, who shall provide them to the Finance Committee for recommendation.