Our Daycare Center
About Our Daycare
Henvey Inlet First Nation Daycare opened its door June 1999. It was an idea that took a few years to see completed and up to Ministry of Education standards. With humble hearts and sincerity of HIFN Daycare came to be a realization.
Through the 20 years that we have been here there have been many, many changes. In our leadership, guidelines, policies, government, staffing etc. But our one constance has been the community's children.
Throughout the years I have seen three generations come through our doors. And with each generation there has been change, for the better and a brighter future for our children, grandchildren, and future generations. But with the change: there has come with a lot of hard work, teamwork, and a lot of willingness to learn. About ourselves, our children, our community, and keep an open mind and understanding of the changes that come our way.
Mission, Program, Vision Statements
The Mission of HIFN Daycare is to JOIN families, children with the ESSENTIAL services that will enhance their quality of life and INFUSE a desire for lifelong learning and for young children (31 months-13 years old) a SERENE beginning.
The early learning experience children require must be high quality, wholistic and culturally relevant. Participants are equipped with an individualized support service plan fostering child, youth, family and community development, and is related to family healing and wellness goals.
HIFN Daycare is a committed supporter for children and youth in the mainstream early learning and youth system.
Program Goals
High Quality Early Childhood settings are associated with immediate & long term positive outcomes for children. Children who attend high quality Early Childhood Programs where they experience warm, supportive relationships are happier, less anxious & more motivated to learn.
Promote the health, safety, nutrition & well-being of the children.
Support positive & responsive interaction among the children, parents, child care providers, & staff.
Encourage the children to interact & communicate in a positive way & support their ability to self-regulate
Code of Ethics for HIFN Daycare
The Code of Ethics reflects a core set of beliefs & values, which are fundamental to our field & serve to inform our practise as Early Childhood Educators. HIFN Daycare through the Code of Ethics, publicly acknowledge our commitment to these beliefs & values & recognize our responsibility to use the Code of Ethics on a day to day basis to guide our behaviour in working with the children & families of Henvey Inlet First Nation.
Anaphylactic Policy and Procedure
Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction and can be life threatening. The allergy may be related to food, insect stings, medicine, latex, exercise etc. This policy is intended to help support the needs of a child with a severe allergy and provide information on anaphylaxis and awareness to parents, staff, students and visitors at the child care centre.
Employees, volunteers and students are able to identify enrolled children with anaphylactic allergies as well as allergies, and are able to correctly explain the emergency procedure to be followed if the child has an anaphylactic reaction.
Parent Handbook and Forms
Program Statement
The HIFN Daycare Program is encompasses the Ojibwa culture, Ontario's research & legislation. The Ojibwa culture is rooted in a wholistic way of life that embraces a relationship with all living things. Individuals living or learning about the "The Red Road Life" experience & display joy, celebration & the ability to give thanks.
"Every little thing is sent for something, and in that there should be happiness and the power to make happy,
like the grasses showing tender faces to each other; This we should."
~Black Elk