Anaphylactic Policy and Procedure
Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction and can be life threatening. The allergy may be related to food, insect stings, medicine, latex, exercise etc. This policy is intended to help support the needs of a child with a severe allergy and provide information on anaphylaxis and awareness to parents, staff, students and visitors at the child care centre.
Employees, volunteers and students are able to identify enrolled children with anaphylactic allergies as well as allergies, and are able to correctly explain the emergency procedure to be followed if the child has an anaphylactic reaction.
CLICK HERE for the full PDF - Information On Anaphylaxis Shock
CLICK HERE for the full PDF - Child's Individual Plan and Emergency Procedures Form
CLICK HERE for the full PDF - Anaphylaxis Emergency Response Plan - Internal Policy
CLICK HERE for the full PDF - Anaphylactic Allergy Policy