Date of open meeting of Council Tuesday, 28 January 2025 Location:
O&M Office 2 French River Reserve 13
Enacting Resolution Henvey Inlet First Nation Ratification Law
A. HIFN wishes to establish a custom-based process for the ratification by eligible voters of matters of importance to Henvey
Inlet First Nation in cases where no ratification process is prescribed by any other law.
B. The draft law entitled "HIFN Ratification Law" attached as Schedule "A" to this enacting resolution was submitted to the
eligible voters for approval by secret ballot on 27 October 2024.
C. Attached as Schedule "B" to this enacting resolution is a certificate of Scott Jacobs, Returning Officer, certifying that the
draft HIFN Ratification Law was approved by a majority of votes cast by eligible voters.
D. Council has reviewed feedback from members received by Council and the Membership Code Restatement Working Group.
E. Council wishes to proceed with the enactment of the draft law as approved by the eligible voters.
1. The draft "HIFN Ratification Law" attached as Schedule "A" hereto is hereby enacted as a law of Henvey Inlet First Nation
pursuant to our First Nation's inherent jurisdiction to govern its internal affairs.
2. The Director of Finance/Administration shall certify two original copies of the HIFN Ratification Law and cause the law to be:
a. published in the Minutes of Council, and
b. posted for a minimum period of 30 days in the Henvey Inlet First Nation Administration Offices and on the Henvey Inlet
First Nation website;
and shall cause notice of the enactment of the HIFN Ratification Law to be published in the First Nations Gazette.
3. The HIFN Ratification Law shall come into full force and effect immediately.
CLICK HERE or click the image to review the Henvey Inlet First Nation Ratification Law January 28, 2025 documents.